The capillary wall is only one cell thick, composed largely of collagen and can be as little as 3-4 mm in diameter, and red blood corpuscles are 7.5 thousandths of a mm. The more the heart entrains to the brain and the longer it does so, makes the heart less sensitive, less variable, more dissociated and basically less intelligent as an organ of gnosis. You can use this new creative energy to build the business of your dreams. 0000000880 00000 n 0000001336 00000 n If dance is an art form to you, perhaps you dance. Increased demand on hippocampal function from feeling the world through heart-centered cognition, stimulates stem cells to form new neurons in the hippocampus. That is, sexual energy goes in one of two directions: out through the sex organ or up into the higher energy centers. Joseph Chilton Pearce in Biology of Transformation p.57, mentions that inserting a single ion into such a vortex will create a powerful electromagnetic field. 'Hydrogen' si 12 is the 'hydrogen' which represents the final product of the transformation of food in the human organism. 87 17 Heart coherence also reduces cortisol production thus enhancing hippocampal activity as well as boosting the immune system. ", Also see: Gurdjieff on the Abuse and Use of Sex: gurdjieff-on-the-abuse-and-use-of-sex.htm, Diagrams are from In Search of the Miraculous, chapter 9. Out of body experiences. |vY$oVt=w2P sZcHVa S}|abWT(W?Tx?B\S#g6vz$8qd GJ_vE#5e ?BC*!P^nBrL M2m-fbVs!Gk X!#B#DxzC60`+akB?^v(v@dz(M@d+B RcHuXB`XlB4C9f3OqAyr3ZD;b5L ?82PZ?PJ Sexual Transmutation: From Pleasure to Willpower. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. Kundalini and The Princess of swords of the thoth tarot. It is 'seed' or 'fruit.'. " trailer ', "You must understand that the 'astral body' is born of the same material, of the same matter, as the physical body, only the process is different. The Nondual Jung termed "Pleroma," where nothingness is the same as fullness"an Absolute in which there is no division between subject and object. cW5OEgSJ>WcEBn$. Pulsating sensation in the sacrum. "When we consider transmuting our sexual energy, we're really asking ourselves into quite an advanced practice," Roxo adds, because sexual energy exists on so many levelsphysical, mental, emotional, and even astral. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more! gYdKRon Kundalini. You can experiment with this theory of metamorphic catabolic breakdown by macrophages by eating something noxious to the body like processed cheese or processed meats which will activate the immune system. The union of male and female si 12 and all that accompanies it constitutes the 'shock' of the first kind and the new octave begun with its help develops independently as a new organism or a new life. This bliss can be accompanied by a sense of dissociation from the physical body. Close your eyes and observe the sensation of your breath (how the air feels, what it does to your body). West - Celibacy for the Kingdom, Recommended books for manliness and self-development, /gurdjieff/quotes/index-gurdjieff-quotes.htm, gurdjieff-on-the-abuse-and-use-of-sex.htm, Lee Warfield: Same-sex attraction overcome, Max Freedom Long's experiments with celibacy, Sridhar Swami - commentary by Srila Prabhupada, Gary Wilson, scientific study, effects of porn, Bernarr Macfadden, from Manhood and Marriage 1916. (Robert Sepehr) Meaning "to weave" in Sanskrit, the term Tantra implies a set of spiritual practices that direct the universal energies into the practitioner, thereby leading to liberation from the physical level of existence. "This is the normal and natural way to use the energy of si 12. 1 Transmutation By: George W. Carey Audiobook Animation #AgeOfAquarius #Astrotheology #Kundalini 1,216 views Premiered Dec 15, 2020 Part 1. % With the combination of pressure and prana effected in each kundalini exercise, the capillaries and cells of each specific area of the body, for which the yoga exercise is meant, begin to open and discharge toxins and accumulated waste. Posted by rustymicrophone December 22, 2020 February 11, 2021 Posted in The Arcanum AZF Tags: Alchemy, sex, transmutation. Sit in Vajrasan with both the Thighs together and lie down towards the back. Kundalini & Transmutation The Abuse and Use of Sex L. Ron Gardner Celibacy, the Great Aid to Meditation Carlos Castaneda Comments on Sexual Energy H.P. For those interested in diving into Divine Femininity, Dragons, Isis, Hathor, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Green Tara, White Buffalo Woman, Awakening Abilities, Healing layers of self, (Takes about 6-8 months to read due to strength of transmissions). The power of the inner-conjunction literally pulls all of the oscillating systems into sync, thus feeding its own flame. g;P !oX+:Y?-q8, "Although any number of factors can trigger the adrenocortical stress reaction, the response itself is always the same. Chemical transmutation is the process of changing a substance from one form or state into another. The whole of the physical body, all its cells, are, so to speak, permeated by emanations of the matter si 12. You could, of course, channel it directly into physical sex, as so many do, but if you need a little extra oomph of creative energy or physical might, holding off on the sex and using that energy elsewhere is the idea of sexual transmutation. #chakra racine quilibr #sige de la kundalini #cerveau reptilien #besoins fondamentaux #scurit . Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs2.5 License. For those interested in Christ, Alchemy, Sexual Magic, Kundalini, Awakening, Mastery through sexual transmutation, breath work, aguide to healing, ego work, and more. "You want a basic knowledge of how to work with your breath and a basic cultivation of awareness training, so you can stay present with what's happening.". Website: Donate via PayPal: appreciate all your support! The stabilization of this increased heart EMF propagates substantiated evolutionary and transmutational changes in the bodymind. Built by. Sexual transmutation is the alchemical practice of channeling and directing your sexual energy into a 'higher' purpose. Although the acute aspect of this crisis happened over a two-week Biological transmutation is the process through which a living organism can produce controlled nuclear reactions of transmutation (transformation of an element into another by nuclear reaction) at low temperatures, with slow release of huge quantities of energy. x[o ;h/FIM6s6.c$%7w']2/Nnd^zQvw?]^J)iZ(Iv~y*V,fw/xo_JGTgW7~Y!%Y5E' 0000000636 00000 n I am convinced that it is largely the macrophages which do the catabolic breakdown of tissues in preparation to building the (more) spiritualized body capable of carrying deeper consciousness. Your email address will not be published. The metamorphic cycles are a reflection of the growth and activity of the immune cells involved. A new octave then develops within the organism, not outside it. Aisthesis is gnosis of The Good, The True and The Beautiful through the empathetic direct perception of the heart. The Divine Mother is that creative force or intelligence in nature that gives life to everything. Kundalini is intimately connected to sexuality, which he said must be directed towards higher purposes and Marion (2000) discusses the Kundalini vibrations as . ", The goal of life is the discovery of the intelligence of the heart. That is around moving water, in forests, in the country, the mountains and in sunlight. The energy ocean both informs and creates our physical matrix. The following is her three-step process for doing so: When you feel you've harnessed your sexual energy and you're ready to channel it, dive immediately into the area of your life you want to focus that energy on. Prana flow in the central nervous system. If you would like to recommend a book, contact me so that I can add it. Sitemap of Pieter's Articles on Non-Duality. #incarner l'amour de "toutes nos forces" Une transmutation est en cours, qu'il est important de respecter et d'honorer avec recul, sagesse & "maturit". Other terms for it are metamorphosis, transmutation, substantiation, and transfiguration. Candice Pert discovered that receptors for neuropeptides and neurotransmitters are on the cell walls of the immune system, showing that the immune and endocrine systems are modulated not only by the brain but also by the central nervous system. immune response factors such as interferon, which in turn elicit new nitric oxide synthase (NOS) protein synthesis. For those interested in the White/Left Hand Path, Mystery Schools, Sacred Alchemy, Sexual Magic, Enlightenment, Self Mastery, Diving into abilities, Gnosticism, etc. %PDF-1.4 % Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. %%EOF Tantra is More than Just Good Sex, Its the Art of Spiritualizing Everything in Life | Using Tantra Sex to Increase Sexual Energy and Intimacy, 4 Key Steps of Discernment Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. The meta-activation of the sympathetic nervous system of course would profoundly facilitate changes in the immune system and endocrine system. The origin of human life has finall A person without awakened kundalini might not be sensitive to the percipience of immune activation or left-brain freeze.). Free Shipping On All Domestic Orders Home About View All Products 185799003043 "You can create with that energy because sexual energy is creative energy," Roxo notes. Channels open, pranic pressure builds evenly throughout the body field. Devotee, Comments on Celibacy by an Esoteric Student, Paraphilia: Unacknowledged Harm of Masturbation, Masturbation, a Disastrous Problem Faced by the Youth, Early Vinaya Stand on Monastic Sexual Behaviour, John Paul II - Chastity for the Sake of the Kingdom (1994), John Paul II - Continance for the Sake of the Kingdom (1982), Christopher Interview starts at 35:10 Bec Mylonas joins us for a great chat about spiritual emergencies, accessing talents from all your past/concurrent lives, transmutation, direct initiations, trusting the ch.- Lyt til #584 - Bec Mylonas - Direct Initiation, Kundalini, and Spiritual Tech af The Grimerica Show jeblikkeligt p din tablet, telefon eller browser - download ikke ndvendigt. FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT: DIVINE LOVE AND THE TRANSMUTATION By Ron Macfarlane Mint - $77.21. The crown and root poles meet in the inner-conjunction through a rhythmic atunement of all the oscillating systems at a certain frequency, and perhaps in a certain sequence of frequencies. Perhaps even a change in composition. The sensory organ that perceives "soul" is the heart. Pt. (*Note that I may have sensed this only because I have been through major dissolution and have experienced the left-brain freeze sensation before. endobj Hydrogens - human scale - transmutation of energy in the body, illustrated as a "three story factory". Clarity of being, purity of heart, without cause or condition, independent of time, a single abiding force of intelligence draws the mind inward into single pervasiveness, and in the process dissolves the mind's identity to thoughts and impressions. When the Kundalini rises, it uses this energy to generate spiritual heat, light and electrical energy which light up the brain and other parts of the subtle body. It involves the release from the adrenal glands of specific hormones, mainly the corticosterioids, which in turn mobilize the body against invading germs or foreign proteins. Maybe for you this looks like painting, making music, or writing a poem. 0000002154 00000 n <> Part of the sexual energy is transformed to a higher form of pranic energy to be used for spiritual, intelligent and creative functions. One can see how collagenic catabolic enzymes could increase the permeability of the capillaries such that red blood corpuscles could squeeze through the capillary walls surrounding the sweat glands. xb```b``qa`a`.aa@ rl``8* +,x1SI3v5%01)dxA'nE#!MJk f`Hl@7L%P~ This is a more masculine approach, Roxo adds, but can be great for the physical body. Tingling/throbbing in left foot and leg is one of the main signs that kundalini is active. 0000003249 00000 n If they act to make the vessel walls more permeable during the height of an acute cycle then its conceivable that blood could ooze out of the skin through the sweat glands. Stick your tongue to the roof of the mouth. The chakras in the body are distinct energy centers that start at the top of your head and end at the bottom of your spine. When Roxo practices sexual transmutation, she works through the heart center by directing the sexual energy through the body, then her heart space, and out. It is the center of gravity in the body, both bio energetically and biomechanically. The release of histamine in the brain and the consequent improvement of blood supply is probably one of the main reasons for the increased sensory and extrasensory perception during kundalini. Normal waking consciousness and ego activity prevents the syncopation needed to let all the bodymind systems fall into this higher alignment. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs2.5 License. <> After passing through an intricate meshwork of tiny blood vessels, the blood continues to the liver. But in the same organism there is a further possibility. Kundalini rests with any living or inanimate object as a Power, supporting its life and organization. We know something is going on in the subatomic/atomic realms and at the cellular level but we don't yet know what this alchemy is. They patrol, scavenge, attack and destroy invaders, send for help and remove debris. If you eat enough of the immune activator, within an hour you will notice* that a small left-brain-freeze (with numbness in the left eye-socket and forehead) will occur as the immune system activates to deal with the offending substances. Anything from a cold plunge to a workout to breathwork like Wim Hof's technique would allow you to move that energy. 2 Transmutation By: George W. Carey Audiobook Animation #Transmutation #Kundalini - YouTube #Kundalini #Transmutation By: George W. Carey Audiobook Animation ~ Read along. For those interested in Christ, Gnosticism, Self Mastery, Ego-work, Healing, Meditation, Sexual Transmutation, Kundalini, New Age Info, Enlightenment. A sheep which considers itself a lion or a magician lives under the power of Kundalini. While there is also an increase in endorphins and NO which reduces smooth muscle contraction, thus causing the smooth muscles in the arteries to dilate, increasing blood flow. . Pleasant Jnana Kendra above, boundless energy below; Near the Centre of Power is 'Kundalini' located, Also called Teloleshya or Tejas-tan. The above quote explains how the body loses its fossilized tension and heaviness as the work of dissolving the pupael structures proceeds. But none of the known theories gives the right explanation of the force of Kundalini. With entrainment the heart and brain oscillating together. 33:35 - The State of Our Chakras Right Now. Transmutation is very intense and easy when we make love (not just sex), perfectly controlling the desire for the need of sexual pleasure in men and respectively the explosive discharge from the moment of sexual pleasure in women. This leads to the total reorganization of the material structure, its transformation or transmutation. Andrew \u0026 Clelia *******************************************************~DISCLAIMER~Remember that Yoga is a spiritual practice with the primary intention of expanding consciousness and experiencing liberation. Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. "` 6$ You begin to become aware of yourself as a mind of light in the here and now and what it really means to be a human being the possibility, the potential, the purpose. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. You begin to sense yourself as being truly present and here, hearing and sensing from the perspective of a ground or screen of light upon and within which everything appears no longer just reactive. In a sick, or a perverted, or a crippled organism, no transmutation is possible. Chastity, unchastity, imagination, astral effects, see Magic section. Zigzag or double helix of energy up the spine. 4 0 obj EMF's induce cell differentiation and morphogenesis. It means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature. The more this occurs the more the heightened spin and vibration is stabilized thus we achieve stages, rather than passing states. It is the Prakriti, the root energy that in some religions is symbolized as the Divine Mother. It is also the center of instinct and intuition. But this 'shock' can be of a dual nature and different octaves can begin, one outside the organism which has produced si, and the other in the organism itself. They clear abnormal cells and cellular debris and remove aged dead cells. Macrophages can live up to 2-3 years and it is probably due to this that the main awakening phase also corresponds to this duration. Only the heart-brain can grok the ineffable. Key to the transmutational ability of kundalini is that DNA is EMF sensitive, as is RNA and protein synthesis in general. Modern cities, deserts and much of our technology, transportation and architecture are anti-evolutionary for this reason, for they lower the ion count of the air and increase the % of positive ions we are exposed to. The yogic practices that awaken the kundalini can suddenly raise it at any time, uncontrolled. They include enzymes, as hyaluronidase, elastase, and collagenase, inhibitors of some of them (antiproteases), regulatory growth factors and others. An intelligent light begins to dawn like a sun in the heart that makes the seeing with the moon of the mind a passing phenomenon. Two forms has Kundalini: dormant and awake; Only connoisseurs of Yoga know its true nature! But it is pretty obvious that if the ego and its tension holding patterns has been overruled by a deeper consciousness, then those tension patterns would unravel. Thus the stress response always activates the immune system." (Recommended for those seeking to learn about the Right Hand (White) path of becoming Resurrected.) It's meant to help a person "experience the truth and reality of oneself and the world." In simpler terms,. As one begins to practice Kundalini yoga, the progress towards this realization is steady, continuous, relentless. <<74278604E6540841B7EF4625D291FCE4>]>> When this power is awakened, it releases a powerful potential for inner growth and . Thus an awakening is kind of like a hyper-activation of the self-defining and self-preservation systems of the body. 39:48 - Why Snakes Are Sometimes Depicted As Evil. See full summary Director: Kija Manhare | Stars: Roland Achenjang, Brother Brahmananda, Eva L. Burns, John Thomas Casey 6. At Openhand, one of the key practices we apply for alchemical Transmutation possibility, is what we call the "Openhand Bow", which has been developed from the ancient practice of Kriya Yoga (introduced in "Autobiography of Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda). The blood sweating phenomena is also undoubtedly due to the increase in histamine release during extreme stress. xref This is where it differs from kundalini yoga. And for anyone looking to make fitness gains, yes, you can channel your sexual energy into something more athletic or physical. This is achieved by doing the inner work, by practicing exercises such as self-remembrance and self-observation, through which we keep our consciousness awake and active, and also work on the egos. Tantra is an ancient spiritual practice that involves exploring your personal identity. If you haven't actually dug into any healing work, then going into the advanced states could actually be triggering.". 0000003022 00000 n It's not. These phagocytic cells are activated and mobilized by T-cells to the site of infection where they kill invading organisms. Once the body is charges the various centers begin to vibrate with a higher frequency, like the tightening of the drum or strings on a guitar, violin, or harp, and one begins to have a direct experience of the reverberation of chants and mantras that make up the many kundalini kriyas, and meditations, and with that, the awareness dawns of inner sound and light. 25:45 - The Source of Prana Is Mother Nature: She Is Home Itself. As one of the most powerful energies in existence, our sexual energy can be directed towards achieving goals, manifesting dreams, and experiencing deeper states of consciousness. During heart entrainment when the brain wave patterns are embedded within the larger field of the heart, information processing is very different. It represents the transformation of one element into another by a series of reactions. Keep the head above the cross formed by such placements of hands. 0000007272 00000 n Snake's energy is that of old knowledge and ancient wisdom and is the dynamic experience of radical awakening and shifts in awareness. "We're working with many different bodies," she explains, from the physical to the emotional, and so on. Any purported physical benefits are merely secondary side effects and may or may not happen for every practitioner. Christ at Gethsemane also experienced bloody sweat." The video walks you through four simple steps by which you can transmute sexual energy into spiritual energy.Related Topics:sexual energy transmutationsexual. P.112 Philip St. Romain, Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality. and Gary Selden. ", Roxo adds if you haven't meditated for very long or aren't involved in other spiritual practices and rituals, you might find difficulty trying to transmute your sexual energy. ; Energy Signature: Jing - vital essence, seed. Discussion about Sexual Kung Fu: Energetic Transmutation and Inner Alchemy [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. . Let both thighs be together. Then, things get more interesting. stream 7 R e a s o n s t o P u r s u e S e x u a l T r a n s m u t a t i o n So now let's quickly review some of the reasons individuals may be interested in sexual transmutation and the potential benefits it can produce. 87 0 obj <> endobj "When we consider transmuting our sexual energy, we're really asking ourselves into quite an advanced practice," Roxo adds, because sexual energy exists on so many levelsphysical, mental, emotional, and even astral. Although macrophages are found all over the body they are found in the largest quantities in the spleen, lymph nodes, tooth sockets and in the alveoli in the lungs. endstream endobj 102 0 obj<>/Size 87/Type/XRef>>stream That's like saying the sun is a big candle. In order for the practice of transmutation to have positive results, it is necessary to have a strong foundation. With consciousness and practice, we can learn how to redirect the body's energy and the desire for sexual expression towards other thoughts and other pursuits.
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