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See the Venus Sign Lookup page. The couple therefore has the best of both worlds - physical and emotional security. The concept of projection is an interesting and valid one. If you dont know the positions of Venus and Mars, refer to these tables: OR click here to find the positions of all your planets. When it's love time, will it be sensual enough for the Venus-Taurus lover? Remember, though, that they are not trying to hurt you when they are pointing out the flaws in your thinking, plans, or even character. Or will the Gemini lover find it hard to settle down, and be still? My Personal Ad Bio: Im just a nice guy/gal some say Im too nice. Quick attractions. They value enduring connections, reliability, and faithfulness in their love and social relationships. Will Venus-Taurus want to simply relax into the rich silence, and find that maddening? When Venus in Leo feels loved and appreciated, they reward you with loyalty, a big sense of fun, and plenty of physical expressions of their love. They are warm, generous, and even grand. What does a Cancer man like in a Cancer woman? I care. Remember to be simple and natural Taurus will appreciate it. Both are artists at heart. Show-offs and know-it-alls turn them off. Innocent charm. The Taurus lover soothes the jumpy nerves of the Virgo lover. Capricorn is Cancers opposite. Pleasing Venus in Cancer involveslots of snuggling and sentimentality. Pleasing Venus in Aries involves fueling their need for action. They like some measure of predictability in their relationships as they are cautious in love. Coarseness or rudeness is often a turn-off. They are attracted to high quality, high status, and professional objects of art, furnishing, and clothing. If a mans Venus is in Aquarius, hecan be most impressed by women who are somewhat unconventional or kooky in their choice of clothes and overall style. All four of the cardinal signs mark the beginning of seasons. A Venus in Cancer person is loyal but easily crosses the line into being clingy and needy. He wants an interesting woman. Taurus in love is a nudie with fewer inhibitions than other Zodiac signs when it comes to carnal desires. Venus in Cancer has a good reputation for being really sweet. All I ask for is fairness.. The Taurus (Venus) lover brings in the practical angle and a sense of whether it's reality-based. If at least one of these situations applies to a couple where one has Venus in Cancer and the other has Venus in Gemini or Leo, incompatibility is not a huge concern. Indulge them their many whims, and understand that they thrive on competition, even when theyre competing with you! Its a different story if you do the same, however. They are both. They both also crave a sure-thing and once latched on, enjoy the sense of permanence (in a chaotic world). Venus in Scorpio would balance Venus in Cancers sweetness with an emphasis on the darker side of life, though Venus in Cancer would ultimately be grateful for Venus in Scorpios guidance there. In a . This sun sign is known to be grounded and patient, especially in a relationship. Curiosity motivates them on romantic and social levels. 11. The report averages 25 pages long, and its all about a mans style in love, in relationship, and in bed. You dont need to be refined, polished, or graceful to win their favor. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Venus In Cancer Man. They are usually sincere, upright, and straightforward about what they want. Flashiness is often appealing, although some will prefer a slightly more understated look. Let them feel they own you, without taking it to extremes. Alternately, a couple where both have Venus in water signs could band together so tightly that they would be a formidable force for others to contend with the two of them against the world! Natural beautymany have a knack for cultivating in sync with what's artful. Ive built a solid foundation. Respect and appreciate them, always. My Personal Ad Bio: I will love you for you. Heaven and earth? Venus in Pisces people are attracted to situations of giving, martyrdom, and mercy. They may, however, tangle over when to bend the rules if needed. Venus in Cancer men often go out of their way to avoid feeling rejected, and this is mirrored in their attraction to women who are not too aggressive, loud, or overly confident. Foreplay for them can be mental they love to communicate with you about the relationship. The in-your-face love style of Aries-Venus has the Taurus lover putting up earthwork-obstacles. Even those with their Sun in Taurus or Cancer, whose outward demeanor may suggest some reserve and caution, will want their relationships to be stimulating and full of conversation with Venus in Gemini. Their body-and-soul love and commitment can be so intense that it eclipses fun and makes loving them a very heavy experience. If a mans Venus is in Aries, heis often attracted to a tomboyish woman, perhaps athletic in appearance, but more importantly, direct, forthright, and straightforward. on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, In a man's chart, his Moon Sign is the . The Sun in Leo with Venus in Cancer can emphasize the most melodramatic qualities of both signs. What Zodiac Sign is the Weakest? Venus in Leo men and women have high expectations, but once you know that these expectations revolve only around how much attention you are giving them, youll see that they are really quite big-hearted about most everything else. Some Venus in Cancer men handle this energy by trying to live vicariously through a female partner who feels more comfortable openly expressing sensitivity. This position of Venus can turn humble Virgo Suns or retiring Cancer Suns into somewhat demanding lovers. Taurus Venus will love to feel adored and needed, but they may struggle to keep up with a Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio Venus' desire for emotional chats. Let them decide where to go on a date, and let them pay too. These intriguing partners will reward you with a love that is accepting and comes as close to unconditional as humans can get. romantic compatibility reports, including Venus in Libra people tend to employ charm rather than aggressive behavior in order to get what they want. Venus in Cancer can be a hard combination with the Sun in Gemini. As a couple, Venus in Cancer and Venus in Capricorn will be very traditional. Pleasing Venus in Gemini involves supporting their need for fun and variety, showing interest in their brainpower and knowledge, and giving them space for friends and activities outside of the relationship. They appreciate romance and poetry, and they prefer to feel out both you and the relationship you share, so dont expect too much planning ahead. Learn to laugh, but take their rants and raves seriously. Venus in Scorpio seems fearless when it comes to intimacy. Each Zodiac sign is also ruled by at least one planet or luminary. Since Cancer is a water sign, people whose Venus is also a water sign (like Pisces, Scorpio, or another Cancer) can perfectly understand a Venus in Cancer man's needs and desires. She's all that! Gemini Dont know your Venuss sign? They are affectionate and cuddly, and are at their best when they feel safe and secure. Your ability to see "more" of the world also draws you towards the spiritual. Venus in Capricorn people are generally serious about their finances. Remember, theyre just showing off to you, and its likely harmless. Better half: Somebody who takes life seriously and determinedly; 4. Libra They focus on different sides of the tried and true. Dont know the positions of your planets? Avoid criticizing their beliefs, join them in debates, and philosophize along with them. Pleasing Venus in Capricorn involves showing them you are practical and realistic. Unlike Venus in Leo, they wont try to impress you with grand gifts or promises. Variety is the spice of life is their attitude in love, in social relationships, and with personal possessions. They are hard to pin down, and they resist relationships that promise to become too comfortable. These people are sensitive in love, even if their Sun sign is the more playful and outgoing signs of Gemini or Leo. Who is Venus in Sagittarius compatible with? Hard to resist. [], The Most Hated Zodiac Signs for Women (Ranked Most to Least) Vekke Sind, [] Who is Venus in Cancer compatible with? They are very obliging with othersquite willing to negotiate and compromise. Venus in Taurus, Mars in Cancer Your Venus is in an Earth sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. Venus in Earth, Mars in Water (Romantic Earth, Watery Desires): You want stability and reliability in your relationships, but you also require emotional bonding and . They are indulgent, especially with their favorite foods, but also with physical pleasure. Venus in Leo people may spend a lot on entertainment or sometimes just to show off! The Venus in Cancer woman puts a high priority on nurturing herself and the people she loves as she navigates the world. This is a highly emotional position for Venus. With the exception of this quality, Venus in Aquarius people are some of the most unselfish people in love. While not the most spontaneous of partners, they are generally quite constant and true in love. Venus in Sagittarius people are not always especially attached to personal possessions. They try to win you over by expressing how enterprising and independent they are. He's not into the flirtatious types and prefers a woman who displays sincere devotion. Heartbreaks can be completely devastating. Who is a Venus in Gemini compatible with? Venus in Cancer people generally save for a rainy day and can be quite frugal with their money. The Venus in Cancer woman may lean more toward traditional gender roles than some women. They dont want to follow all the rules, although they may make quite a few of their own. My Personal Ad Bio: Im warm-hearted and fun. Venus Basics: Which Sun signs can have Venus in Cancer? Sun in the Signs | Moon in the Signs | Mercury in the Signs | Venus in the Signs | Mars in the Signs | Jupiter in the Signs | Rising Signs (Ascendants). Appreciate their saving for a rainy day attitude, and be aware that they want to show you off in a quiet way. If you like knowing where your relationship is headed, youll be mighty pleased with Venus in Capricorn. Feed their need for spontaneity, and appreciate their playfulness. Depending on the moment, Venus in Scorpio will shoot you one of the most piercing glares around, or totally blow up. Their appeal lies in their focus on you, and their dedication. They can be quite artistically inclined. A cancer man may be pessimist and he fears the unknown. Venus in Cancercreates a match that is happy at home, with cozy comforts and languid intimacy. She values keeping a comfortable and cozy home, not just in terms of the physical space, but also in the relationships between people. Negative: Dominant and aggressive; 3. FOLLOW ME:Instagram/Twitter: @gfrancescamusicPO BOX:Gabriela Francesca2222 Foothill Blvd Ste E 610La Caada, CA 91011LISTEN TO MY MUSIC:Spotify: https://open. Sharing turns them on, and tactless or uncouth behavior is a turn-off. Living up to others expectations can also be a problem for some, and can prevent them from truly appreciating the moment. No matter what happens in the world, industries like education, healthcare, food, and banking arent going anywhere. Venus in Virgo has a more parsimonious reputation, but Venus in Cancer would feel cared for by Venus in Virgos attention to detail. When Venus in Sagittarius people are in love, they need to feel they can grow and expand their horizons through their relationship. They want to be seen as attractive by you, so avoid (at all costs!) A sticking point for these two fixed signs is that they're supremely loyal. The four elements fire, earth, air, and water typically break down into two groups of two: fire and air, and earth and water. People with Venus in Cancer do not just have a strong emotional attachment to their romantic partners. If a mans Venus is in Pisces, heis often impressed with a feminine aura of softness, sweetness, and neediness to a certain degree. My Personal Ad Bio: Im just a regular guy/gal. They can appear quite standoffish at times, and are threatened by restrictions of any kind. Venus in Pisces men and women want you to know that their love is unconditional. They are attracted to art that is traditional, homey, and romantic. Remember, though, that some Venus in Scorpio lovers can and will take advantage of you on a subtle level, if only to keep you all to themselves. Whichever style they choose, a slighted Scorpio lover is not a pretty sight. Fortunately for them, a partner with Venus in Taurus or Venus in Virgo will not let that happen. the new Love Ties report. Get physical with them; do comfortable things. With money, Venus in Aries may be impulse buyers. I am open to experience.. They want you to acknowledge and appreciate that they dont follow the beaten track in matters of the heart. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Over time, imbalance in their relationship is sure to make them unhappy, and when it comes to this, they may try to even the score in subtle, roundabout ways. These men are more inclined to enjoy women who wear a good deal of makeup and jewelry. A pair with different speed settings, and often, attitudes about love. . They abhor gawdy, cheap, tacky, or excessively loud/bold art, clothing, and possessions. They dont easily adapt to others feelings and moods. Venus in Cancer men and women show their love by caring for you. Venus in Aries men and women behave in a childlike, fun-loving manner in love. Their tastes in art, clothing, furnishings, and music tend to be dark, surreal, gothic, passionate. Appreciate their guts when it comes to love and intimacy theyre proud of their courage in these matters. And, truth is, some Venus in Pisces privately have a love affair going with the idea of being misunderstood. They are really not difficult to please after you have taken care of these basic needs. 1. This is largely because their visions of love are not especially idealistic, and they accept realistic and practical concerns as a healthy part of any love relationship. For example, a man with Venus in Aries and Moon in Taurus might be attracted to forthright, independent women in general, but as far as selecting a woman for a long-term partnership goes, he might choose a more demure woman with steady affections and a softer, more traditionally feminine personality and/or appearance. If a mans Venus is in Cancer, he may prefer women who come across as sweet, soft, and warm. I stick around. Categories Astrology, Cancer Articles, Venus Sign. Two earthy lovers that are often rooted in traditionancestry, sense of place, cultural heritage. They can be a confusing mix of the lighthearted and serious. Similarly, women are thought to more easily relate to and own Venus qualities. My Personal Ad Bio: I am a dependable guy/gal. A love of the finer things evolves into shared interestsfrom shopping for unique treasures to partaking of vintage wines. Venus in Leo makes for a very passionate, fiery personality. The problem is, they do these things so quietly that you may not always notice or credit them for all these kind gestures. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. A curious match-up, with order and chaos under one roof. Id love it if you could try them out and let me know your experience. They want lots of in-person contact with their partner, so they would struggle with a long-distance relationship, or even with a local partner who had a busy life outside the relationship. Remember that time spent with your lover will be exciting and invigorating. Venus in Sagittarius men and women turn others on with their big smiles and laughs, their jokes, their grand schemes, their dreams, and their friendly, flirtatious behavior. Its probably best to avoid the trap of acquiescing to their partners but privately resenting the fact or thinking themselves martyrs for doing so! They want a safe, solid relationship. They are somewhat fickle when it comes to their attachment to objects and personal possessions, and they seek variety in the things that they own. In an attempt to avoid unpleasant situations, they could easily gloss over deeper issues at play in their relationships. Whatever path through life she chooses, it has to meet her need for emotional security. They are talented at creating artistic structure and form. Some enjoy the thought that can go behind making purchases, weighing various options. That means people who have Venus in Cancer can have the Sun in only the following signs: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, or Virgo. With a creative outlet, however, Venus in Cancer can add a layer of sensitivity and intuition to Leos artistic flair. Their style of expressing love can be maddeningly me-centered, but the right person for them will find this approach charming. They have a strong ego investment in their love lives. They will generally bend over backwards for someone they love, but might keep too much to themselves and eventually feel resentful if affection is not returned in a similar manner. At worst, the Venus in Cancer man can be looking for a partner who will be his mommy. They have a strong and concentrated manner which suggests their feelings run deep. 1. Venus in Scorpio (Most Compatible) The man born under the Venus in Taurus craves for love and passion. They are intellectually curious about people, and are eternally fascinated by social interactions. Learn about life: Should be concerned about friends more. Here, it is under the influence of the Moon, a soft and nurturing energy. When in Cancer, Venus becomes more emotional and sentimental. Venus in Taurus Natal Meaning If you have this placement natally, Venus is one of the strongest planets in your chart (depending on its aspects, but this Venus sign is considered favorable in general). Women with Venus in Taurus often make great singers. Dream along with them, and dont fence them in. These people can be jealous of all of your attachments, but few will admit it. Aloofness or a dignified, confident aura is usually appealing to these men. In our experience, men and women tend to take on the role of Venus in their relationships in approximately equal measure. The cancer man may be shy and tight-lipped. The Venus in Pisces man is a highly emotional individual, sensitive, and affectionate with his partner. Venus in Cancer is a relatively good placement for this planet. Their charm is natural and earthy. They feed on attention, acknowledgement, validation, and adoration. If a mans Venus is in Libra, heis most attracted to femininity expressed as understated charm, good manners, and a simple but beautiful appearance. Whether they are liberal or conservative, however, Venus in Cancer people tend to express their political views emotionally. These women are very feminine, charming, sweet, with tender emotions at the ready for those in need. As noted previously, Venus can be no more than two signs apart from the Sun. Cancer This desire for emotional security is so strong that it can keep together an otherwise bad relationship. They are threatened by inhibitions on the part of their lover, dullness, and emotional overkill. Though it can be more complex than that, people with this placement can be very nurturing toward their loved ones and in touch with their emotional sides. Still, these lovers are always worried theyll be left high and dry. Can be very patient in love. While the Venus in Cancer person may maintain relationships with loved ones who have political views different from their own, you would have an easier life being on the same page as your Venus in Cancer partner politically. When an emotional manipulator finds out what it feels like to be on the receiving end of their own approach, they might finally think about toning it down. Yes, they are sensitive folk, but lovers may find it maddening that this sensitivity is not only directed at them, but towards all of mankind. It is not easy for women to find a good man, and to be honest it is not easy for a man to find a good woman. Try Cafe Astrologys in-depth Vekke Sind, What Does a Cancer Woman Like in a Man? These people are very focused on their partners. They aim to please, and are easily intimidated by your experiences. Her taste in art and style is toward the well-constructed, harmonious, artful. Even if the rest of the world thinks you are unlovable, I will see you for what you really are.. Its a thing that they agree on. They can, however, be insular in their perspective and manipulative in the way they use emotions in their communication. There's sexual adventurousness on both sides, but Taurus (Venus) is more likely to be a serial monogamist. (After Breakup, No Contact), Cancer Compatibility with each zodiac sign. My ideal date consists of going to a cafe, taking in a movie, and talking about it.. This can include the domestic stay-at-home parent, but it can also include the sort of person who looks for a job that is stable and guaranteed. They do need some space (after all, theyre generally quite busy making everything work), so give it to them. While an earth or water sign person might be happy with a financial job that involves managing conservative investments for retired people, a fire or air sign person might get curious about the riskier side of the financial industry like options trading. Truth and higher meaning are things that take priority with Sagittarius. Fashion trends mean little to them. Be prepared for their displays: they will tell you about any advances madeon them. They are threatened by a relationship that appears to have settled too much, or one thats lost its spark. The shadow side of Venus in Gemini is fickleness. If a mans Venus is in Virgo, an appealing woman to him is usually an understated, rather simple appearance without too much glamour or ostentatiousness. We at Cafe Astrology tend to shy away from some of the traditional rules of attraction. They are tender, romantic, and attached. Its true that they resist change in their relationships, but even when they seem stuck in a groove, you can always reassure yourself by remembering that they are constant partners. They want you to see just how competent they are. Taurus is dirty, pungent to Venus' clean and orderly. They love the underdog and are attracted to wayward folks, or those in need of a little help. These are idealistic lovers who want you to appreciate their beliefs, visions, and ideals. Art that appeals to them is bold and active in tone. They are attracted to people in love with life. Venus in Aquarius wants you to love them for their intellect, and to admire their visions. You will probably need to cultivate patience if you are in a relationship with Venus in Taurus. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. She need not be robust or aggressive. Venus in Taurus people are very physical lovers, with a great appreciation for scents, sounds, feels, and pleasing form. Opposites are pulled mysteriously together, as Taurus and Scorpio spy each other from across the Zodiac wheel. Venus in Capricorn makes a love duo that are wealth builders (Venus rules money). They can be rather confusing and hard to pin down as they feel their way through their relationships. It is a passionate, sensual, and intense energy. Their love can be of the Kindergarten variety they show they care by nagging or criticizing. She can certainly be beautiful, but boring? I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. If Your Moon or Venus are in Taurus - You're attracted to an easy-going, earthy woman who is affectionate and likes to cuddle and kiss. Avoid pushing them in love give them plenty of time. Venus in Taurus With Venus in Cancer Venus in Cancer creates a match that is happy at home, with cozy comforts and languid intimacy. They instinctively value effort and the long-term, and wont run away from responsibility or difficulties. Capricorn Venus in Cancer women are affectionate, loyal, tender and empathetic. Unlike Venus in Libra, which thrives on equality, Venus in Pisces is actually turned on by inequality! There can be some inconstancy and possibly a tendency to escape or flee when love is too complex, intricate, or needy. They can be possessive and clannish. Look See More Venus-Mars Sign Combinations: Back to Venus-Mars Combinations chart. They see their willingness to forgive and understand as a strength, and you should too. What a person with Venus in Cancer would share with a partner who has Venus in Taurus or Virgo is an interest in the tried and true. Think about how a crab (the symbol of Cancer) moves towards its goal, and you will get a fair idea of Venus in Cancers approach. The pleasure of anticipation makes the many "firsts" all the sweeter. Early on, there's patience to draw out the getting-to-know-you phase. A mans Moon sign certainly factors into the equation. Leo Though really quite loyal to their partners (remember that love is THE most important thing in Leos life), they thrive on romantic attention. If a man's Venus is in Leo, he may be attracted to women who are proud, outgoing, and perhaps even gaudy. When you come together in a relationship with another consenting adult, you dont have to get the whole world to agree to whatever your crazy is you just have to get one other person to agree to it. Ill make you happy in bed.. Scorpio On the flip side, they may last longer in a love-only relationship in the absence of satisfying sex, but they are unlikely to feel very satisfied. Taurus and Virgo are the earth signs closest to water sign Cancer. They can be a little moody in love, and some go so far as giving silent treatments and engaging in pouting routines to get attention from their mate. Best Match: Venus in Cancer with partners Venus in Taurus or Virgo, Second Best Match: Venus in Cancer with partners Venus in water signs, Third Best Match: Venus in Cancer with partners Venus in other Cardinal signs, Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation, Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE, Do Cancer Men Come Back? Be genuine, not ostentatious. Venus in Gemini people spend money on books, information, social events. They are unimpressed by your status, and love and accept you for all that you are inside. Venus in Sagittarius is less abstract than Venus in Aquarius, but Venus in Sagittariuss tendency toward blunt honesty can be too much for Venus in Cancers sensitive nature. In a man's chart, the placement of Venus determines the type of woman he is attracted to. The Taurus lover might not show the intensity but is physically present in a way that's complimentary. They may experience many emotional ups and downs in love due to sensitivity and impressionability. Im romantic and love good conversations. What they buy and the types of entertainment they enjoy are ruled by whether or not things make sense. People with Venus in any of the water signs are open to using emotional manipulation to get their way. They telepath their values front the start, and move slowly but surely toward sealing the deal. People with Venus in Cancer value emotional security and connection. Venus in Aries people flirt by being up-front, direct, and even daring. They want you to see them as unique, rebellious, and a little provocative. Recognize their attachments to their family and home. Love needs to make sense and have a purpose with Venus in Virgo. Turn-offs include a relationship that is considered stuffy or too mature, vagueness, and beating around the bush. Truth is, they can be rather romantic souls who yearn for a partner to share their lives with.